Friday, September 10, 2010

How will bariatric surgery affect my pregnancy?

The fact is bariatric surgery is likely to make pregnancy safer for both mother and baby. Obesity increases your risks of developing medical problems such as pregnancy related diabetes and serious blood pressure problems. Obesity also increases the likelihood that you will have an abnormally large baby that may make delivery more difficult. There is now good evidence that you can decrease the risk that you will develop pregnancy related diabetes, called gestational diabetes, by about 50% after you lose much of your weight after bariatric surgery. Studies have also shown that you can reduce your risk of developing pregnancy related blood pressure problems by more than 50%. This is great news for both mom and baby!
Also birth defects, problems with the placenta and low birth scores, called Apgar scores, are NOT any more likely after bariatric surgery.
You are also likely to gain less excess weight when you are pregnant and therefor you are likely to get back to the dress size you were in prior to the pregnancy more quickly and easily!
I suggest you do not become pregnant during the first year after bariatric surgery since I would not want you to subject the baby to the weight loss you will experience. Be careful to use adequate birth control measures since it is likely it will be easier for you to become pregnant soon after bariatric surgery since your ovaries will no longer be suppressed from the high amount of hormones your obesity was putting into your blood stream. Of course some women are even referred to me specifically to have bariatric surgery so they are more likely to become fertile.
You should be careful to take care of yourself during your pregnancy by taking the vitamins that are prescribed every day and by gaining the appropriate amount of weight during the pregnancy. Your doctor is likely to check your vitamin levels during your pregnancy and will check your blood count and iron levels.
Finally, it is important that you understand that your pregnancy is likely to be healthier no matter which operation you choose. There is no evidence that any one operations is better than another.

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